Stephen H Dunham


Stephen H. Dunham is a PMP-certified Business Process Engineer and Lead Sr. Business Analyst. As a professional writer, he helps his clients succeed in their development projects where others fail. Having your plan and your requirements in writing is over 85% of the battle.

No matter how exciting your meetings or how great your programmers or how smart your business folks, if it doesn’t get properly documented, your project is likely to flop or fall short.

With over two decades of project management experience, Dunham understands the needs of the project & development managers and the PMO for timely and accurate reporting. Additionally, translation and interpretation are key. The business users and the programmers often speak different languages. That is why Dunham works hard to effectively bridge their communications.

Having been through the SDLC many times and having worked along side of just about every major consulting company, Dunham has been exposed to many methodologies. Regardless of whether waterfall or RUP or agile or something else, ultimately he believes in keeping it as clear and consistent within the project as possible.

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